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Making Tea with Wild Plants
Hello, Once again, Today I’ve decided to write a post about Making Tea With Wild Plants. In my last post, I wrote about making Tea from Mint Leaves, and I also mentioned Chamomile. So for this one, I thought I would expand on this bit more and so I was researching about types of wild plants that you could use in your next cup of tea.
So, Making Tea With Wild Plants might sound crazy, but hear what I have to say.
So, I live In FL and we have so many wild plants that are good for you and some not quite as much, Ok, I bit of a story from a few days ago, My mom will be letting my sister and I try to get riding lessons and maybe even buying two horses for bth of us! (Can you tell that I love my horses?) So I was doing oh so much research about what I need to know about owning a horse and one of the things was, what kind of wild plants they can and can’t eat, surprisingly, one of the plants they can eat is. Stinging Nettle!
So, when we get the horses, I will be picking so many of those plants and seeing if my horse will eat them. anyway back to this post.
Some plants that are good for tea are Peppermint, Chamomile, Nettles, and Dandelion. These are all very common plants that are for me at least found very easily, and for most people, they don’t need to look any further than their back or front garden.
Dandelion leaves are one of the ingredients found in Leptitox alongside Marian or Milk Thistle another common British plant, and actually, this is one type of tea I want to look at today – Dandelion Tea! I know it is just one thing but for my readers, I want to show you that what you might find outside may actually surprise you.
1: Making Tea with Wild Plants
Now, I have tried Peppermint Tea before. A few times whilst out in Morroco last year, and after deciding I would try and make this myself I thought what other wild plants can you make Tea with? I mean Mint is pretty easy to find growing in the wild in the US, as it is very easy to grow. even if you weren’t trying to grow it, that has happened to my mom and me when trying to grow herbs and then we would get mint growing out in our filed and I was like. Wow! Does this now want to grow? lol.
Other plants that are just as easy to come by are similar in this sense so I have found this idea very interesting. Mostly the thing that has really piqued my interest is the relationship between plants and the human body. Mint is said to clear your airways for example, and stinging nettles can help with allergies such as hay fever.
This maybe sounds a little bit “Witchy” I know but I really like the idea that brewing some of these wild plants up could help some people who are reading this with their health problems.
2: Dandelion Tea Detox
Most people might associate the Dandelion plant as the one with which you pick and blow its fairy-like white tassels away to make a wish with but also interestingly you can use the leaves to make Tea with as well. that’s why this flower is second on the list of 6 plants that Making Tea With Wild Plants is easy!
Many might have heard of the drink Dandelion and Burdock but actually, Dandelion Tea is a healthy drink high in Vitamin A & K with a number of different benefits. It can be used to cleanse the liver, improve bone, and skin health, fight urinary tract infections plus it is an ideal remedy for both calcium and vitamin k deficiency.
Dandelion Tea is made from the stems, roots, and flowers of the dandelion plant.
To make this drink first make sure you are picking healthy plants that are in unpolluted areas, and which haven’t been sprayed with anything such as weed killer. Place a tablespoon of the stems and flowers in boiling water for around 30 mins to brew. Then you can either remove stems and flowers or leave them in your tea.
Alternatively, you can also make Dandelion Root Tea or you can roast the roots to make a kind of dandelion coffee.
3: Benefits of Stinging Nettle Tea
Oh Boy. When I read up on this plant and saw you can make it into a cup of tea I was thinking. Wait, Hold on one minute. How can you drink this plant that burns your feet and or legs if you step in it?
But as I Read up on this plant and saw why I was thinking again, ok this sounds like a good tea I want to make. so I made it and If your thinking “Hmm, Rebekah? Didn’t you just tell us that this plant hurts? but then you’re telling us to drink it? won’t it hurt our moths when drinking the tea” you’re not wrong. somehow, in the hot water, the leaf loses its sting! that’s right, it doesn’t hurt your mouth at all, I am saying to try it out because it’s good for you and it really does not sting your mouth.
The truth is stranger than fiction. Using Stinging Nettles to make a type of tea is maybe even stranger than the idea of Dandelion Tea but the best thing is if you like Nettle Tea is that Nettles grow all over the place.
From a homeopathic point of view, Nettles can help with several allergies including hay fever, itching, sneezing congestion, and inflammation.
Other than this it can be used to purify the blood, enhance fertility, and is abundant in a large number of nutrients and vitamins.
These include; vitamin A, several different forms of Vitamin B, Calcium, Magnesium, Potassium, Iron, Folic Acid, Amino Acids plus more. It also contains many antioxidants and phytonutrients such as betaine, beta carotene, acetic acid, caffeic acid, and lycopene.
To make Stinging Nettle Tea take leaves and stem from nettles.
Warning! Do Not Sting Yourself! – Leave to brew in hot boiled water for up to 20 minutes, and then drink.
4: Homemade Peppermint Tea
OK, I covered this in a post recently and if you want to read that post, click here for just that! 🙂 with instructions to make Peppermint Tea there.
Peppermint Tea is easy to make a soothing hot drink that amongst other things can help clear your airways. It can also help with inflammation and can help if you have trouble with sleeping.
Peppermint is not only good for you, it’s good for everyone! peppermint has many and I mean many, Health Benefits in just one leaf! Read on to find out more.
May Help Relieve Tension Headaches and Migraines
As peppermint acts as a muscle relaxant and pain reliever, it may diminish certain types of headaches. The menthol in peppermint oil increases blood flow and provides a cooling sensation, possibly easing pain. This is good because that means if you don’t have any medication you regularly use like Ibuprofen, but here is something you may or may not have known about this popular pill.
My oldest brother has always asked me if I was in so much pain that I needed ibuprofen, or if I could go without it. and I never knew that this pill could harm me. keep reading and I will tell you what and why my brother was right about this pill.
Ulcers and bleeding in the stomach and intestine
Prostaglandins also help maintain the constant repair of your stomach lining, which protects you from damage from stomach acid which with ibuprofen takes away that lining and can cause very serious problems.
Because ibuprofen decreases how much prostaglandin you make, stomach damage such as bleeding and ulcers in the stomach and intestines is a possible side effect. This is only if you take it more than needed.
So, With reading this about this medicine that helps us, what do you think about it now? Are you willing to take peppermint tea for anything now? I thought you would agree.
5: How to Make Chamomile Tea
What!? This one is my all-time favorite tea! With all the studying I have done on this tea, I read about the good things about it (nothing bad about this one) and I was trying different kinds of ways this tea is made and I really love mine with cinnamon in it *Click here for that post*
And this tea was the very first tea I had growing up! That means from the time I was about 10, I had this tea and was like. Yummm!
Chamomile is a name used to refer to several different types of daisy-like flowers which is such a pretty flower. This is actually maybe the most popular type of tea within this post. `It is known to be able to help with many different adverse health issues.
These include;
Lowering Blood Sugar and Diabetes
Menstrual Pain
Digestive Health
Trouble Sleeping
Migraines and Headaches
To make Chamomile Tea again same as the above types of teas. Pick xx amount of Daisies (Look for the big ones if you can). Add to cup or mug. Pour in hot water and leave to brew for up to 20 minutes. Try Mint or Honey for different flavors.
6: Benefits of Red Raspberry Leaf Tea
My mom has always told me that this helps not only people but it is great for animals as well, and growing up on a far I know more than a few animals who have needed this plant. With rabbits, it’s kinda hard for knowing when they need it. for Red Raspberry Tea and the first thing that comes up was ‘Using Red Raspberry Tea to Induce Labour’. Interesting I thought as just a quick bit of research and it is linked with both fertility and trying to conceive.
If you are trying to have a baby this can help apparently plus can also help during pregnancy, Let me put this in Bold words. Never take this leaf in the beginning stages of the pregnancy! it can cause a miscarriage!!
But, afterward, taking this leaf can help you out, for the uterus, this leaf is very good for you and can strengthen the uterine walls.
Other than this Red Raspberry Leaf Tea can also help with cold, & flu, psoriasis, acne, eczema, constipation, indigestion, high blood pressure, inflammation, and joint pain. Plus also can help with obesity.
It is packed with many different vitamins and nutrients such as Iron, Magnesium, and Potassium plus Vitamin B, C & E.
To make Red Raspberry Leaf Tea. Pick the leaves from the Red Raspberry plant. Then it is pretty much the same the other ways of making tea from wild plants, as mentioned above.
You can add the Raspberry in as well. Which are packed with their own detoxifying qualities? Although it is the leaves that are used for this type of tea.
Other Ideas for Making Tea With Wild Plants
Upon looking there are some quite strange ideas here. These I will quickly summarize before signing off. One of these I thought was most odd is a type of tea made from the bark of a birch tree!
Who knows, I might do a part two on this post as well, not only is this post so good but you know about plants you never knew you could make into tea! so keep an eye on this site for part 2 on Making Tea With Wild Plants.
When I saw this on the bed I was like. No way! This is impossible! but it’s not. Yes, this is a thing and is done by collecting twigs and bark from the silver birch tree. You can also use the leaves. Supposed health benefits are said to be skin health and elasticity, a remedy for kidney stones & gall stones plus urinary tract infections.
Other plants used for tea include; Ground Ivy is known as Creeping Charlie, Bergamot aka Bee Balm, Pine Needles, Red Clover, and Sumac. Plus I am sure there are many more wild plants from the outdoors that we can use to make tea!
So, What does it mean for you?
Other than this I really would like to try making Chamomile Tea. Bet will save me a fortune on Tea Bags. I like a nice long walk through the fields, and nature trails near to where I live so no doubt will find some to pick somewhere.
I am not too keen on the idea of dandelion tea though I don’t think, or the birch bark tea but all in good time. The Bergamot one seems like a not too crazy idea though – I might give that a try as well.
All, I will say to people, and I should have written this at the top really – be careful with which plants you pick! If you pick the wrong ones they could be poisonous.
Woopie! that’s it. Hold on one minute, I have a gift for you before you head off to the links.
Ready for your gift? Ok, here it is. hit this link and you will find a site that I love to go on and it’s my mom’s site too! This site is all about books! if you love to read anything that this site has on it, let her know! and you can even publish on her site too! so if you have something you have been working on, just ask for her to see it and she will add it!
That’s it for now, But please leave me some of your feedback and tell me anything on your feedback.
Have a great day and thank you for reading Making Tea With Wild Plants.

As someone who enjoys making his own food from scratch, and also wants to avoid processed food as much as possible. This is certainly the perfect article for me as I’m currently trying to learn more about making natural tea. Honestly, this entire website will be very helpful for me so I appreciate this information a lot
Thank you very much for the sweet words!
Tes, this post has so much info on plants you never knew you could make into tea!
Thank you for your feedback 🙂
I am a tea lover and I am always looking for different ideas to make infusions. I found this article on making tea with wild plants to be very interesting and informative. I often pick mint leaves and also lemon verbena, from the garden, but I have not thought about stinging nettles to brew a tea with. With all the health benefits associated with stinging nettles, I will certainly be giving it a go.
I have dried mint leaves as I have a lot of wild mint in my garden, and then use it for tea, so I will try it with stinging nettles as well.
I also never thought of using those prickly leaves in my tea as well.
But My parent bought a box of it and the first time I had it I was honestly kind of worried about how my mouth would feel, lol. And so I had that first sip and it was so good too!
Yes, Mint and Lemon Verbena are great ones to try out as well. I also Recommend one that you may not have heard of called, Yerba Mate Tea, And I even have a post all about that tea on my site as well.
Enjoy and thank you for your feedback.