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Green milk tea recipe

Matcha Tea set.
Welcome back to Tea Jubilee! If you’re just finding this post and my site overall, I welcome you with a cup of tea that might be a great healing tea, gives you energy, or is just something you need for your health. But, before you read all about the Green tea milk recipe, check this other post I just wrote about. Click here to find out about that post!
And now you can go read all about the Green milk tea recipe!! At the end of this article, I have some links for you to check out! 🙂
Prep time: 10 minutes. Serves: 2
- 2 Teaspoons Matcha Powder
- 1 Cup Hot Filtered Water
- 2 Teaspoons Granulated Sugar
- 1 Cup Milk
- 2 Servings of prepared Boba Pearls
- 1 In a measuring glass, add 2 Teaspoons of Matcha Powder and 2 Teaspoons of Granulated Sugar and stir well. (You can use more or less sugar depending on your preference when you add the boba, it will also sweeten the drink a little more) Add a little of the hot water to make a paste, and stir or whisk well so there are no lumps. Add the rest of the 1 Cup of Hot Water, stir very well and let it cool to room temp.
- 2 Scoop the boba pearls into 2 drinking glasses, add ice, pour ½ Cup of Matcha Tea into each glass & top each glass with ½ Cup of Milk. Enjoy!
Now that you know how to make it, what about if this is even good for you? Lol, I only write what is good for you, don’t worry. But here is what I know about Green milk tea recipes!
10 Health Benefits of Bubble Tea
There are numerous health benefits associated with bubble tea. Adding milk to the beverage is flavorful and essential for your health.
Bubble tea gives strength to the body.
Besides the antioxidants, several other components in the milk make it healthy. First of all, it provides much strength to the body, particularly the milk’s calcium content. It makes the bones much tougher so that you can carry out your daily activities without easily breaking any bones.
It’s a huge source of energy.
Without a doubt, pouring a glass of milk gives you energy for your body system to function correctly. Boba tea’s carbohydrate content is the primary energy source for your brain. It also serves as fuel for your heart muscles and central nervous system. Together, you get the best of both worlds. You get the energy you need to get your daily activities done.
The beverage acts as a stress release.
There are a lot of stressful activities during the day that we need to fulfill, regardless. But there is a way to solve the problem. If you drink bubble tea, it reduces the tense muscles in your body, making it possible to carry out your tasks. The beverage contains caffeine, which refreshes the body. If you have significant activities in the coming days, you may need to get your bubble tea closed.
Boost your immune system.
One of bubble tea’s crucial health benefits is enhancing your immune system. The drink contains a wide range of antioxidants that blocks any oxidative stress accumulation. Besides, there are fresh fruits such as mango and strawberry, which is good for you. You can add them to your bubble tea. These fruits intake gives you vitamin C, and considering how busy life is nowadays, you may need it.
It prevents free radical damage.
Free radicals are harmful to the body. They can mutate parts inside the body, and the consequences can be cancer and chronic diseases. Green tea contains epigallocatechin and polyphenols, which can fight against free radicals. Hence, adding green tea to your tapioca balls is a good idea for your daily intake.
Enhance Weight loss
Regularly drinking boba tea can help with weight loss. Polyphenols and caffeine act as dietary agencies, making them excellent substances for reducing weight. However, it can also cause you to gain weight due to its compound. So whether you need to gain weight or lose some, bubble tea can help. You may need to be thoughtful when taking the beverage. Aside from that, you’re good to go.
Mood Enhancer
Each day is packed with various situations that can leave you distressed, causing mood changes. But that may not be what you want. You still need to keep smiling, or it could cost you your job. But it doesn’t have to end that way. The green milk tea recipe has health benefits; you can sip the drink and lighten your mood. It’s undoubtedly one of the best beverages to get you through the day.
Decrease Stress
Stress is almost part of our everyday routine. We can’t live without it. But bubble milk tea can reduce the stress level you accumulate the whole day. That’s why you need to take a break to sip the delicious drink. Milk tea contains antioxidants that aid in reducing stress.
Regularly creates a positive feeling.
There’s a reason why bubble tea is growing in popularity. If something is good, it comes with a positive feeling. The freshness you get when you sit with your friends and order the beverage is unspeakable. The health benefits of bubble tea alone should give you a reason to order boba tea and enjoy your heart’s content.
Good for your heart
A bubble tea full of sugar and high calories is generally not good for you. There are a lot of health risks involved. But if you prepare a healthy Tapioca tea, the antioxidants and anti-inflammatory elements can toughen the blood vessels’ walls. And also stop the arteries from being damaged. So you should not worry about numerous diseases when you regularly take in bubble tea. As one of the bubble tea health benefits, the beverage can help keep you healthy. Remember that the benefits outlined above can be hugely negated if you consume bubble tea full of calories and sugar. That’s why the best approach is to prepare the beverage yourself, so it’s made just the way you like it.
Link time!
As you know, I have lots of sites that I love to link to, and this day is one of the best! Over the weekend, you can go to these sites and read about things. Coffee prep, books to read, and even making something for a snack. So here are the links.
This first link is to one that I am sure I will be making tomorrow morning; it’s blueberry Muffins!! And I just made these a few days ago, and they came out so yummy that they didn’t last until Sunday! But that’s a good thing.
This next link is to a site that is all about my mom and her dogs. Yes, she made a site about her “Fur Kids.” And she talks about what to do if you have a new puppy and how to care for it. Hit this link to go to the home page..
And that’s it! I hope you enjoyed reading all about the Green milk tea recipe!
Have a great weekend!